About us

The OGNX label was created in 2012 with the aim of rethinking established structures and breaking with outdated dogmas and clichés. Since the company was founded, we have been working hard to create yoga wear that is not only environmentally friendly, but also enriches your everyday life with unusual and unique styles.

Our Vision:

OGNX will push to the forefront of progressive yoga.

A most welcoming yet eclectic brand that will not be rattled by Dogma, Cliche, nor Trends. Dissolving limiting paradigms in the market, product, and the mind - to be an inspiring, non-judging platform for seekers and finders on their journey in exceeding limitations.


Our purpose:

We remind people of the beauty of being. To overcome self-limiting beliefs through growth. To inspire those who shine and look beyond the ordinary.


Our mission:

Exploring new territories outside of what is perceived as possible in yoga today.

On this journey, we won't lose sight of what is most important to us. You, the people – customers, employees, and partners.

We as OGNX will contribute to your journey by winning over hearts and minds with products and services of sublime quality and by living up to our high standards in sustainability in everything we do.

We acknowledge our responsibilities – we think, act and innovate according to our values ​​to form an eclectic brand true to its beliefs.


Our core values:


Our Values


Using awareness to transform experience - We use our consciousness to transform experiences into new developments.



We are dynamic and constantly changing our perspective. Versatility and openness play a central role in internal processes and the development of new products. Our external influences are as different as the members of our team. The aim is to create products that perfectly support you in your everyday life and fulfill even those needs you were not yet aware of.


ECLECTIC - Deriving ideas from a diverse range of sources

We're not satisfied with the status quo. We break with paradigms and blur the line between fashion and activewear. We want to enjoy life - but not at the expense of others. Our extraordinary designs made of sustainable materials of the highest quality prove that this also works without prohibitions and compromises.


CULTIVATE SERENDIPITY - Finding something beautiful without looking for it

Our vision of a modern lifestyle in harmony with nature and ourselves drives us every day. Let yourself be surprised anew every day, overcome self-limiting beliefs through openness and grow beyond yourself with our help.